Phone Banking for the Win!

It’s a race to the finish!

Join us to help by phone banking in your own home!

Chase mail-in ballots in Kane County!

  1. Phone bank with your phone and your computer using simple software that makes it easy.
  2. Auto connect to likely Democratic voters using a QR code link we provide.
  3. Ask them to make sure they have received their mail-in ballot.
  4. Remind them to vote on everything Democrat from the President to the Forest Preserve Referendum at the bottom of the ballot.
  5. Remind them to sign the outside of the envelope before they return it.
  6. Make sure they get their ballot postmarked by November 5th.

Easy peasy! Note: You will need your own computer and cell phone to participate.

For more information email, text, or call Chris Kious: – (630) 248-1369

Save the Dates:

  • NOV 6 – Kane County Democratic Women @ Oak Street Restaurant 7 – 8 pm
  • NOV 11 – Dundee Township Dems Meeting @ Emmett’s W Dundee 7 pm

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the Dundee
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